Voting for Portland Radio Group's Best of the 207 Contest for 2023 has begun, and we are contenders! Please consider voting for Len Libby Candies in the category of Candy Shop. It's easy to do! Just click on this link -- -- and it will take you directly to our page in the voting site, or go to, where you will find us under "Shopping." Votes are due by November 17!
We took First Place in the category of Candy Shop last year in this contest (the first year of the contest) and it was SUCH. AN. HONOR. It was especially special for us because we didn't even know about the contest! This year, however, we know about the contest, and we would sure appreciate your vote and support as we try to make it TWO. IN. A. ROW!!!
You can also vote for your favorite business or establishment in hundreds of other categories at Check it out!