An Important Message About the Len Libby Candies Facebook Page

UPDATE October 10th, 2023

We believe we have regained access to our page, but are still in the recovery process. Thank you all for your patience as we work through this issue. Please do NOT accept any friend requests from people on our FB page who are unknown to you. Do NOT click links suggesting help with computer problems, or hacking problems found on our Facebook page. They are NOT genuine. We do NOT vouch for any goods/services which are being proposed by 3rd parties in our "comments" section. Please be assured that we at Len Libby Candies would never post inappropriate materials, as posted on our hacked account over the last month. All of our genuine posts are about candy, family, and our lovely community. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience our hacking may have caused you. -Gisele and John DeGrinney, and the family team at Len Libby Candies.


September 25th, 2023

Dear Friends and Family of Len Libby Candies,

We have discovered that someone has hacked the Len Libby Candies Facebook account. If you follow Len Libby Candies on Facebook and have seen or received any unwanted messages or posts, you have, unfortunately, received SPAM.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We are working to correct the problem, which could likely result in in our page being removed. In the event this happens, and we have to start over with a new Facebook page, we will be sure to let you know where to find us again on the social media platform.

In the meantime, we are also on Instagram and our account there appears to be in good shape, so you can continue to follow and support us there, if you like. You can find us on Instagram at "Len Libby Candies Maine."

We also want to take a moment to thank our followers who have taken the time to contact us about the problem and/or to report the inappropriate posts to Facebook. Any and all assistance is appreciated as we work to correct this problem, so thank you for your care and concern!

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We strive to provide original content on our social media channels that represents our company and our values, with a focus on family and friends, our high-quality products and our guests' positive experiences in visiting our store. We would never post anything negative or inappropriate on our social media feeds.


As unfortunate as these events have been, they also provide us with an opportunity to provide users of social media (you) with some important words of caution about hackers:

1. Hackers often pretend to sell goods and services through the pages and accounts they’ve hacked as a means of collecting people’s financial information. If anyone asks you for payment information over Facebook (or any other social media platform) or sends you an unsolicited message to send them money
or buy something, we urge you to block, ignore or report them. Please do not share any financial information with them.

2. Len Libby Candies will never contact you or request your credit card information — or any other form of payment — over Facebook or Instagram, outside of our Point of Sale system or our Instagram Shop or our website. We will never do this without your having initiated the contact, and even if you do initiate
contact, it is our practice to ask you to call us at the store or visit our website to complete your purchase. We would never ask you to share financial information over a social media platform or direct-messaging app.

3. If you see or receive a post in your feed that is supposedly from us but seems “odd” (luckily, it’s pretty obvious when this occurs, as the posts will usually seem “out of character”), please consider reporting the post to Facebook as “Fraud” or “Spam.” This might help to make Facebook aware of the problem and might expedite the process of removing the hacker’s page and closing the account.

4. If you see or receive a post that doesn’t appear to be from us, consider “Blocking” or “Unfollowing” the account. This will help to prevent the hacker’s messages from spreading, and it will help protect your own account from any possible compromise.

5. If you see or receive a post that doesn’t appear to be from us, please refrain from “Sharing” it —even if you like the content. Sharing a hacker’s posts propagates their bad behavior and increases their reach to more accounts.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We are trying very hard to bring the issue to Facebook’s attention, but, in the meantime, we don’t want anyone else to be hurt or compromised by this unfortunate turn of events. You can always feel free to call into the store if you have questions, or send us a message through the contact form on the website.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to correct this. We look forward to seeing you on Facebook again soon.


The Len Libby Candies Team